Rebuilding lives through adult education

As an adult education charity, we are keen to work with organisations that support recovery and help people rebuild their lives.

Our courses help recovering addicts manage stress and mental health issues, improve employability and re-enter their local community.  

The WEA offer a wide range of courses, from dedicated recovery programmes to courses to rebuild confidence.

We go to places other providers cannot. We deliver our courses on the doorstep of local communities or online. Our tutors are dedicated to providing personalised teaching, in a supportive and non-judgmental way. Learners build their self-esteem, find new interests and even support others in their recovery journey.  

Whether you are looking to refer people to our courses, or want to co-design a bespoke programme, we want to hear from you.  

Our team also offer training courses that are beneficial for staff and volunteers. This includes mental health awareness, counselling skills and volunteering courses.  

If you wish to discuss your needs further, complete the webform below and one of our partnerships team will be back in touch.