What is safeguarding?
The WEA provides a welcoming environment where everyone is:
- respected,
- valued,
- can feel safe and secure.
This includes all:
- learners,
- staff,
- members,
- volunteers, and
- individual visitors who access our facilities and services.
Any concerns in relation to any unwelcome behaviours (to you or anyone else), should be reported, including:
- discrimination,
- abuse,
- harassment,
- grooming,
- and bullying,
How do I report any concerns?
They should be reported to the Regional or National Safeguarding Officer. They will explore and seek to resolve any concerns.
Find out who the Regional or National Safeguarding Officers are here.
The WEA has a clear Safeguarding Policy, and procedures are reviewed each year.
Staff are trained to maintain a culture of vigilance. All staff and tutors are required to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
For more information on the WEA Safeguarding Policy, visit our policies webpage.