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The courses below have already started, but are still available to book.

Professional Development: Henna for Enterprise

Henna for Enterprise is a one-stop course to turn your passion for henna into a thriving business or fund-raising enterprise. Learn beautiful, intricate henna designs while mastering the essential skills to launch and manage your own henna enterprise. We'll cover everything from marketing your artistry to managing clients, so you can confidently embark on your self-employed journey. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to transform their love for henna into a successful career, or a way to raise money for charity. To make the most of this course it is useful if you have some experience of henna but beginners are also welcome as you will be guided step by step through each project. This course is funded by West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Course Information

Fri 31/01/2025 -
Fri 25/04/2025
9:30am - 12:00pm
10 sessions
Millan Centre (Bradford)
Victor Street
Atiya Mushtaq
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
10+ places remaining
In progress
Fee range
Free to £105.00