Free courses for carers

At the WEA, we recognise the importance of unpaid carers and caregivers, with over 5.7 million people taking on caring responsibilities. We understand that it's important for you to take time out for self-care. This is especially true if you are caring for children with special needs or a family member with disabilities.  

Taking care of yourself helps you to provide support for your loved ones. So it's important to remember to make time for your own wellbeing while balancing your caregiving responsibilities. 

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Designed to fit around your care responsibilities

We have designed our courses for carers to fit in with your needs. They are all online, so there is no need to travel, and our tutors understand that sometimes you need to take a break from your responsibilities. 

All our courses for carers (or those who have previously been carers) are completely free. You do not need to receive a carer's allowance. If you are unsure if you qualify, call our friendly learner services team on 0300 303 3464 and they can help. 

WEA: working in partnership with Carers UK

Carers UK is both a supportive community and a movement for change, and partners with the WEA to provide courses for carers. Carers UK's website provides a wide range of information and guidance on all aspects of caring including practical and financial support, work and careers, health and wellbeing, tools, guides and much more. Visit their website at

For information and signposting, their telephone helpline is available. To learn more visit

Carers UK membership is free, and members receive monthly email newsletters, our quarterly Caring magazine and can join our supportive online forum, Carers Connect. You are welcome to join at 

Find time for your interests

We want our courses to help you make time for yourself and explore your own interests. Our courses include: 

  • health and wellbeing for carers to help you manage your own health and stress 
  • virtual visits to stately homes, so you can visit wonderful places around the UK from the comfort of your living room.   

You can pick and mix these courses; we want you to enjoy as many as possible. Add any courses you are interested in attending to the basket and you’ll only need to book once.

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  • Check your search for typos
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  • Use the category dropdowns at the top of the page

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