Delve into history

Explore the events of the past, and how they’ve shaped the world we live in today. Immerse yourself in different eras, marvel at historic achievements, and examine how different things could have been.  

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All of our courses are designed to help develop your skills in historical research and analysis, encouraging you to look beyond the surface of key historical moments. From the history of King Arthur to World War I and II, you’ll develop a better understanding of key historic customs, beliefs, and ways of life.   

Whether you consider yourself a history buff with decades of experience, or someone just starting out that wants to learn more, you can choose from a wide selection of topics.   

Attend a WEA history course near you  

A variety of our history courses are taught in-person or are delivered online - it all depends on what suits your needs best. From the comfort of your own home to a space in your local community. Whichever option you choose, you’ll be taught by a talented tutor who is vastly experienced.   

The support you’ll receive on our history courses  

They'll help you develop an understanding that goes beyond just what's on the surface, all within a friendly and encouraging environment that ensures you attend each session with the excitement to learn.   

It’s our learning experience that sets us apart too, with many of those attending our courses going on to achieve incredible things. You’ll learn at a pace that’s comfortable for you too, with a friendly supportive tutor on hand to answer any questions you might have. 

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The courses below have already started, but are still available to book.

History: The Economic History of Wessex since 1500

Wessex has an intricate history concerned with natural resource development of minerals, transport, agriculture, towns, and manufacture. Its character has been forged by the impact on the landscape of openness to neighbouring areas of Britain, and to the World at large. The region contrasts with other regions in terms of both the nature and pace of development.

Course Information

Thu 05/12/2024 -
Thu 05/12/2024
10:30am - 3:30pm
1 sessions
St Lawrence Parish Rooms (Winchester)
Colebrook Street
SO23 9LH
Hadrian Cook
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
10+ places remaining
Fee range
Free to £21.00

Archaeology: The Archaeology of Grimsby

Underneath the streets of Great Grimsby there lie three destroyed churches, several thousand medieval corpses, the remains of two cloisters, and a buried medieval port, complete with wharves, 'mud docks', crane bases, back-filled cellars and warehouse foundations. Could St Marys church, closed in 1586, have been founded in the Anglo- Scandinavian period and perhaps give some indication of 10th century settlement at around the time of the legendary Grim? The course will look at the development of human settlement around salty inlets and muddy creeks and on the higher and drier promontory where the town developed.

Course Information

Sat 08/02/2025 -
Sat 08/02/2025
2:00pm - 4:30pm
1 sessions
St. James Edu. Centre, Grimsby Minster
St. James Square
DN31 1EP
Simon Tomson
Course code:
How you'll learn:
In venue
0 places remaining
Waiting list
Fee range
Free to £10.50