Self-employment, small business courses and creative careers 

Turn a passion into profit with our range of courses aimed to help you start your own business and run it successfully.  Find freedom in being your own boss and get the knowledge you need to start out on your own. 

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What you need to know as a small business owner

We offer marketing courses for small businesses, courses to help you balance the books and to get your own company started.  

Creative courses

Turn your hand to something creative by learning a skill that can lead to self-employment or work in a small business.   

We run courses in sewing, dressmaking and garment making. We also run courses in nail service, hair and beauty. Our creative crafts awards can also lead to paid work. 

Challenges and opportunities

We’ll help you understand the challenges and opportunities of freelancing or how you can apply your skills to get a job in a small business. From taster courses to full qualifications, there is something for everybody. 

Grow your interest into a business and make the most of your opportunities.